TLH Community Candidate Forum - City Commission Seat 5
Tue, Aug 09
Join FC4TL, TCAC, FSU SDS, FAMU SDS, Tallahassee NOW and FAMU Generation Action for a round of community led candidate forums focused on key Capital City and Leon County races that impact LGBTQ+, black, brown and working class communities

Time & Location
Aug 09, 2022, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
About the Event
Join FSU Students for a Democratic Society, Tallahassee Community Action Committee, FAMU Students for a Democratic Society, Florida Coalition for Transgender Liberation, FAMU Generation Action and Tallahassee National Organization for Women for a series of candidate forums for Tallahassee and Leon County.
We will have a number of questions from the organizational teams but welcome questions ahead of time as well. Please email with an email subject line "Question for City Commission Seat 3" and we will log your question in ahead of time. We also welcome more local social justice and equity organizations to join us in hosting this and our future Candidate Forums on the follow dates:
- Tuesday, July 26- City Commission Seat 3
- Sunday, July 31st - City Commission Seat 4 - (Mayor) - Separate Zoom
- Tuesday, August 9th City Commission Seat 5